Be a Purple Cow: Stand Out in the Herd

In a world where competition is fierce, and there are endless options to choose from, it’s crucial to make your business stand out from the crowd. And that’s where the concept of the Purple Cow comes in! Have you heard of it? It’s a term coined by marketing guru Seth Godin in his book “Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable.“ Essentially, being a Purple Cow means being so unique and remarkable that…  Read more

Social Media Etiquette: 8 Quick Tips for Professionals

As you know, social media can connect you with new business associates, help build your personal or business brand and more! But this communication mode is not without risk. It’s important to remember that social media is a public forum – no matter how secure your privacy settings are – your social media profile and what you say on social media is public! A thoughtless post can offend your audience…  Read more

Presentations – Saying It Without Words

It’s easy to believe that the key skill in giving a presentation is making sure you say the right thing, but studies have shown that 55% of your message comes from non-verbal cues and people remember more if they see something than if they just hear it. This article looks at the eight areas you need to focus on to make the most of that 55%.   /app/uploads/Untitled-Project-4.mp4   Your…  Read more